You ask me, "Where is Germany is Konstanz?" I show you this.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sucker for Sunday

            What an interesting day today has been. On Sundays, most of Konstanz is a ghost town. A lot of shops and such, including the big one's like Aldi and Media Mart, are closed, not many people roam the streets, etc and so on. When Monica, a good friend of mine here, and I set out for a walk and a bakery, we had no clue we would stumble into a garage sale in the middle of the nicest mall around here.
            Only the Altstadt is alive and buzzing on a Sunday for the weekend tourists and thus, there we headed. With a need for a bathroom, and the only clean and available one we knew of in Lago (the big mall close to the Altstadt and Bahnhof AKA train station) we headed that way. We expected an empty mall because all of the shops within are closed on Mondays. What we found, however, was that huge garage-like sale I previsouly mentioned. Blankets strewn about with various toys and books and clothes. Throughout the entire mall several locations had grown little individual shops; a mini market!

            After walking around for a bit and satifying our hunger with a sandwich from the Bahnhof bakery, we settled in for a coffee, cappacino for me and a macchiato for Monica, in Aran. It's a goregously built large coffee shop with ice cream, pastries, and other various foods. This, I believe, will be one of several haunts for me.

Here is a bit of the inside. There are two large rooms connected by a couple entryways like this one.
            There are comfy tables and chairs strewn about and then what I will call "common tables." They are long, decorated tables in which several parties can sit without feeling awkward about being at the same table.
            Now that I've bored you with garage sales and tables, I bid you adieu.


  1. Hallo, Ellen.
    Ich erinnere mich an etwas aehnlich, als ich in Jena war. Sonntags war alles sehr still und ruhig. Es war nett, aber manchmal ein bisschen traurig, weil wenn es schlechtes Wetter gab, gab es nichts zu tun. Mann (oder ist es "Man"?) konnte nicht wandern gehen, nicht laufen, und nicht spazieren gehen. Und jedes Geschaeft schluss war!

  2. Es ist "man" und ich habe gedacht auch, dass wenn das Wetter schlecht ist, werde es kein Spass machen. Hoffenlich finde ich etwas zu tun!
